Application of special decision support software with the objectives of rational fertilization and the limitation of nitrate pollution in greenhouse horticultural crops growing either on the ground or in hydroponic systems.

Funding framework
The pilot project of the Operational Group DSS-KIPEFTIKON is financed by Action 2 “Implementation of the Operational Plan (project) of the Operational Groups of the ESK for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture” of Submeasure 16.1-16.2 “Establishment and operation of Operational Groups (O.G.) of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture” (Project Code: M16SYN2-00179). This specific action is implemented within the framework of the Rural Development Program (RDP) of Greece 2014-2022 co-financed by the European Union – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

The main purpose of the work of OT
The main purpose of the project is the application of an innovative special decision support software developed by the Horticultural Crops Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens in greenhouse horticultural crops with the aim of rational fertilization. The software can provide full consulting support for the irrigation of soil crops and hydroponic crops. Through the software, it becomes possible to implement integrated programs of rational fertilization in the greenhouses of the selected area, giving a solution to one of the most serious problems it faces.

Object and Objectives
Rational nutrition and irrigation of greenhouse crops can significantly increase horticultural production. This is achieved by using new technologies (intelligent decision support software with databases, water, soil and climate data analyses).
In Greece, fertilization in greenhouses is still based on rules of thumb, with the consequence that it is not rational and leads to reduced production and product quality. This applies mainly to hydroponic crops which, while providing the possibility of maximizing production and optimizing quality, can lead to the opposite result if there is a lack of know-how.
The Agricultural University of Athens has developed an innovative special decision support software for the fertilization and irrigation of greenhouse crops in Mediterranean climatic conditions.
The software can provide full consulting support for the irrigation of soil crops and hydroponic crops. Through the software, it becomes possible to implement integrated programs of rational fertilization in the greenhouses of the selected area, giving a solution to one of the most serious problems it faces.
At the same time, the most basic problem that prevents the further development of hydroponic crops in Greece is addressed, the lack of know-how regarding the preparation and appropriate adjustment of the composition of the nutrient solutions during cultivation.

GAIA EPIHEIREIN was founded in 2014 as a result of a wider alliance between agricultural cooperatives that collaborated with strategic partners from the IT and banking sectors, in order to serve a common vision for a more sustainable and competitive Greek agriculture.

The Horticultural Crops Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens was founded in 1979. The research activity of the Laboratory is located in outdoor, greenhouse and hydroponic horticultural crops, propagating material, post-harvest handling and horticultural physiology.

The Psaris Agriculture Cooperative was founded in 2006 with its headquarters in Psari Forada in the Region of Crete. It has facilities for the storage and first sale of the horticultural crops produced by its members.