Operational Group Members

GAIA EPICHEIREIN was founded in 2014 as a result of a broader alliance between agricultural cooperatives that collaborated with strategic partners from the IT and banking sectors in order to serve a common vision for a more sustainable and competitive Greek agriculture. GAIA EPICHEIREIN develops significant activity and provides services that cover a wide range of needs of the primary and agri-food sector operators of the country. A key parameter for their development is the systematic monitoring and coordination with European and international developments that affect the national primary and agri-food sector as well as Greek producers. Emphasis is placed on the course of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which constitutes the basic framework of reference and support for all representatives of the primary and agri-food sector of the EU as well as for national administrations.

The Horticultural Crops Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens was founded in 1979. The research activity of the Laboratory is in outdoor, greenhouse and hydroponic horticultural crops, propagating material, post-harvest handling and horticultural physiology. In particular, the laboratory has focused on the study of the nutrition and fertilization of horticulture under cover as well as hydroponic crops where it has developed an electronic application for the preparation of a nutrient solution with the desired composition.

The Psari Agriculture Cooperative was founded in 2006 with its headquarters in Psaris Forada in the Region of Crete. It has facilities for the storage and first sale of the horticultural crops produced by its members. In particular, the members of the A.C. Psaris have modern greenhouse units with a total area of 38 acres. The Cooperative markets its products (mainly cucumber) within the Greek area.